Growth substrates and fig nursery tree production


  • Uğur Şirin Adnan Menderes University; Faculty of Agriculture; Dept. of Horticulture
  • Engin Ertan Adnan Menderes University; Faculty of Agriculture; Dept. of Horticulture
  • Birgül Ertan Fig Research Institute



Ficus carica L., substrate culture, growing medium, trough culture, propagation


Pest attack, disease and soil fatigue have always been a great problem in fig (Ficus carica L.) nursery tree production, especially when traditional methods that use soil culture are applied. Therefore, as an alternative method, substrate culture could be a sustainable and favorable propagation method for growing healthy nursery fig trees of high quality. No information is available on substrate use and its effect on nursery fig tree production. The present study was aimed to define a favorable substrate to cultivate nursery fig trees in substrate culture, and to examine the effects of substrates on morphological and biochemical characteristics of the fig trees by growing plants in a high-tunnel. Fig cv. "Sarilop" (Calimyrna) cuttings were used in this trial as plant material. Three growth media based on perlite (100%), peat (50%) + perlite (50%), and fine sawdust (100%) were tested using soil as a control. Plants were grown in trough culture from the day of planting cuttings up to the uproot point of fig nursery trees, during eight months, and they were not transplanted into another medium during the growing period. To observe the effect of substrates on the nursery fig trees, some morphological and biochemical characteristics were determined. The use of peat + perlite and perlite led to increased plant growth and quality of fig nursery trees grown in high-tunnel.


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Crop Science

How to Cite

Growth substrates and fig nursery tree production . (2010). Scientia Agricola, 67(6), 633-638.