Stage lighting: possibilities of a subject on stage


  • Felipe Braccialli Universidade Federal de Uberlândia



stage lighting, comedy, character.


This article proposes a reflection about the importance and the creative possibilities that stage lighting adds to theatrical creative processes. To think about stage lighting is to open a vast range of possibilities for research and creation. The article approaches mainly the experiences in which the lightning resources are used in comic scenes. Based on an empirical study performed along with students from the Drama Course at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (MG, Brazil), it was possible to reflect on the capabilities that the lighting has when leveraging itself as a subject of a comic situation, through the relation created between the actor/actress and the lighting technique.


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Author Biography

  • Felipe Braccialli, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
    Mestrando em práticas e processos em artes na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


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How to Cite

Braccialli, F. (2015). Stage lighting: possibilities of a subject on stage. Sala Preta, 15(2), 59-71.