The formation for SUS, opening new trails for the production of the common
Faced with the challenge of turning ourselves around to the subjective dimension of the practices of health care and health management, in this article we propose the problematization of the subject of the constituent movement of the SUS. How is the subject of this movement formed? How can one think of qualification as a social practice that produces subjects 'in relation' and care, associating clinical practice and management? What interests us here is what is produced in the relationship between the subjects, what calls them over to different methods of contraction of the collective and the creation of zones of communal activity. The notion of 'care of the self' as developed by Foucault, especially in his last work The Hermeneutics of the Subject, shall be the technical and conceptual framework that is to guide our path, so we may stay in the place where the paths meet for the production of the common.Downloads
Original research articles
How to Cite
Passos, E., & Carvalho, Y. M. (2015). The formation for SUS, opening new trails for the production of the common . Saúde E Sociedade, 24(suppl.1), 92-101.