Expected results of the Family Health Support Centers: literature review
The expected results of the actions from the Family Health Support Centers (NASF) are not explicit, although they are promising to the expansion of the access to health, comprehensive care and interdisciplinarity. In order to identify them, literature review was held, in April 2015, in Lilacs and SciELO bases and ministerial documents. The findings were summarized in NASF’s specific objectives and, subsequently, in intermediate and final expected results. Evidences were found that NASF impacts positively on the “supported teams”, “users”, “integration of services” and “models of care” dimensions, strengthening primary care and contributing to advances in health policies in Brazil. It was concluded that, in general, the expected results are broad and dependent on factors out of NASF’s control, seen as change-inducing potential on complex aspects of the Health System. It is therefore necessary to deepen the understanding of results that can actually be attributed to the Family Health Support Centers, considering the other aspects involved in its execution so that they can be achieved.Downloads
Original research articles
How to Cite
Souza, T. T. de, & Calvo, M. C. M. (2016). Expected results of the Family Health Support Centers: literature review . Saúde E Sociedade, 25(4), 976-987. https://doi.org/10.1590/s0104-12902016163089