The maintenance of work life by chronic kidney patients in hemodialysis treatment: an analysis of the meanings of work


  • Vera Fontoura Egg Schier da Cruz Faculdade Dom Bosco
  • Grazielle Tagliamento Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná
  • Ana Claudia Wanderbroocke Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná



Chronic kidney disease is characterized by impairment of functions such as filtering waste, regulation of water and other chemicals, and the production of hormones. The hemodialysis used for chronic renal failure patients is highlighted in the literature as a taxing modality, which imposes physical, psychological, and social limitations. Among the various changing aspects in the lives of kidney patients, work is described as suffering profound consequences in its continuity, modifying the daily routine of the patient. Even when they are not immediately incapacitated for work activities, according to their varying physical conditions, they often need to resort to social benefits such as sick pay or disability retirement. This research aimed to understand the meaning ascribed to work by kidney patients who use this treatment modality and remain in working life. The methodology for conducting this scientific research was qualitative, using for data collection semistructured interviews. The results of the meanings of work and the reasons for its maintenance pointed to subsistence and consumerism, dignity and independence, the preservation of mental health and maintenance of the activity for the work and the worker identity. Among the respondents there was recognition of the work as beneficial for coping with the disease and treatment.






Original research articles

How to Cite

Cruz, V. F. E. S. da, Tagliamento, G., & Wanderbroocke, A. C. (2016). The maintenance of work life by chronic kidney patients in hemodialysis treatment: an analysis of the meanings of work . Saúde E Sociedade, 25(4), 1050-1063.