“Friends with benefits”: sexual health and attachment styles in men and women


  • Herenia García Serrán Universidad de Almería
  • Encarnación Soriano Ayala Universidad de Almería




This study aims to analyze the variables related to the sexual health of individuals that could have a negative impact on risk-taking - condom use and alcohol consumption -, as well as describing the prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and attachment styles showed by women and men in the relational framework of friends with benefits. For that, a cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted. The information was collected through an online questionnaire based on the Casullo and Fernandez Liporace’s attachment styles assessment scale. The total of 119 persons involved in casual sex with a friend filled out the questionnaire. In relation to the results, nearly 30% of respondents have not used a condom during sex on grounds related to displeasure and discomfort. STIs have been suffered by women in significantly higher proportion. Alcohol consumption is a common practice in this type of relationship. Although secure attachment was the highest, women are shown fearful. Friends with benefits may entail serious consequences for the health of individuals, especially for women. Therefore, these results recommend that this new sexual bond is to be considered by Public Health, as well as the implementation of sexual health promotion strategies aimed at risks of this relationship and the greater emotional and sexual fragility of women.







Original research articles

How to Cite

García Serrán, H., & Soriano Ayala, E. (2016). “Friends with benefits”: sexual health and attachment styles in men and women . Saúde E Sociedade, 25(4), 1136-1147. https://doi.org/10.1590/s0104-12902016151111