The Concept of Quality of Life in the Perception of Older Uruguayans: a qualitative study




Quality of life, Ageing, Qualitative research, Grounded Theory


The research objective was to investigate the conception of quality of life in Uruguayan older adults, trying to build a model adapted to them. Based on Grounded Theory, a qualitative study was carried out between 2017-2018 in several regions of Uruguay. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in older adults (mean age 71 years, SD 5.4) with theoretical and snowball sampling. Theory emerged through the core category “living as best as possible”, interpreted as the conception of older adults about quality of life. The emerging themes were: “context events”, “link with others”, “activities facing life” and “adaptation strategies”. When facing stressful events, participants develop coping strategies through social support and internal locus of control, to achieve quality of life and successful aging. The empirical evidence developed from this qualitative research portrays a model established from a specific age and cultural context, in which social and psychological dimensions interact to face aging and achieve quality of life.






Original research articles

How to Cite

Campomar, M. S., De Marchi, R. J., Riva, F., & Celeste, R. K. (2023). The Concept of Quality of Life in the Perception of Older Uruguayans: a qualitative study. Saúde E Sociedade, 32(3), e210108es.