Understanding the term medical fatphobia from the perspective of fat people





Fatphobia, Medical Fatphobia, Obesity, Institutional violence, Weight stigma


Fat activism aims to unite and mobilize fat people to break with the impracticability of these bodies and denounce fatphobia. For some time now, activism has been pushing the expression “medical fatphobia” to denounce the oppression experienced by fat people within health services. This article aims to understand the term, from the perspective of fat people. This is a qualitative research, with data were collected via a virtual questionnaire aimed at fat or formerly fat people, which reached 515 respondents from all regions of Brazil. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis, with the creation of six categories. Among the main results, it can be understood that medical fatphobia involves: unpreparedness, disrespect and authoritarianism; reproduction of stereotypes, disgust and prejudice; dehumanization of the fat person; superficial and generalizing diagnosis; dismissal of the complaint, focus on weight and negligence; and precarious access to the health care. In conclusion, the work helps in understanding the term medical fatphobia, which facilitates its recognition and prevention in the health field.






Original research articles

How to Cite

Paim, M. B., Kovaleski, D. F., & Selau, B. L. (2024). Understanding the term medical fatphobia from the perspective of fat people. Saúde E Sociedade, 33(1), e220842pt. https://doi.org/10.1590/