Investments of brazilian drug companies in social programs: an analysis of 2006 social indicators


  • Silvio Luiz Gonçalves Pereira USP; Faculdade de Saúde Pública; Grupo de Pesquisa Sociedade Contemporânea, Ciências Sociais e Saúde Pública



Pharmaceutical Market, Social Programs, Social Indicators


The purpose of this article was to analyze the progress of social investments of Brazilian pharmaceutical industry. Studying social policies created by this major productive sector is important due to its strong influence on a wide variety of health policies, among them the conflicting battlefield between company's patent protection and government's compulsory license for patent drugs. The 2006 social indicators of 62 pharmaceutical companies, published in the Social Panel by the Brazilian Federation of Pharmaceutical Companies (Febrafarma) in May 2007, were studied. This publication included information in three different formats: general data on the number of programs; amounts invested and number of beneficiaries; general data categorized according to a predefined model comprising fixed categories (health, education, community, quality of life, culture, environment, and other); and customized data for each company including a summary of each program implemented. The purpose of the study was to assess whether these indicators allow a longitudinal follow-up of policies and proposals concerning social accountability of pharmaceutical companies.


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How to Cite

Pereira, S. L. G. (2009). Investments of brazilian drug companies in social programs: an analysis of 2006 social indicators . Saúde E Sociedade, 18(1), 19-28.