Project "building a healthy future through the daily practice of physical activity"
Physical Activity, Sedentary Lifestyle, Public HealthAbstract
Physical inactivity is a major health risk factor at the national and international level. It produces a strong impact on public health, causing the onset of non-transmissible degenerative diseases in a growing number of people. The objective of this study was to verify the importance of daily physical activity as a proposal to help control physical inactivity and chronic non-transmissible degenerative diseases in the Family Health Strategy of the city of Lourdes (state of São Paulo). It is concluded that there is an urgent need of programs aimed at a more active lifestyle and behavioral changes. It was verified, through the data collection, the effectiveness of daily physical activity in the reduction and / or control of non-transmissible degenerative diseases in the people who joined the project and the great importance of prevention for this population.Downloads
Part I - Winning Works
How to Cite
Pozena, R., & Cunha, N. F. da S. (2009). Project "building a healthy future through the daily practice of physical activity" . Saúde E Sociedade, 18(supl.1), 52-56.