Mothers of dreams: a proposal of reflection and intervention into family relations
Self-Esteem, Self-Knowledge, Family, Children, Woman, Interpersonal RelationshipAbstract
The present article conducts a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the intersection between the self-knowledge, self-esteem and family relations of women living in the city of Sud Mennucci, in the state of São Paulo, whose children were enrolled during the year 2007 in a municipal entity that provides assistance for children and adolescents, called Sonho Meu (My Dream). Through this project, these women could build a support group in which they strengthened their psychic health and the performance of the social roles of mother, wife, human being and professional. They also learnt some strategies that favored behavior changes. The chosen methodology was diversified in order to meet the group's needs and also those of the professional organization, and was supported by three areas of knowledge: Social Work, Psychology and Pedagogy, concentrated in the Social Assistance and Health Departments of the city of Sud Mennucci. The results were extremely valuable to the family relations of the target audience and also to every professional involved in this project, directly or indirectly. The family is seen as the stem cell of our society, in which the moral values, ethical principles, culture, education and other concepts are transmitted and solidified across generations. But we also know that an entity of such magnitude has some gaps, which were approached in order to be solved, searching for the promotion and quality of the affective family bonds through these women.Downloads
Part I - Winning Works
How to Cite
Barboza, A. L. A., Chic, E. R. G. A., Martines, E. L. C. D., & Nascimento, T. G. do. (2009). Mothers of dreams: a proposal of reflection and intervention into family relations . Saúde E Sociedade, 18(supl.1), 57-62.