Dynamics of domestic violence: an analysis from the perspective of the attacked woman and her partner's discourses
Domestic Violence, Violence Against Women, Spouse AbuseAbstract
This article analyzes the dynamics of domestic violence from the perspective of both the attacked woman's and her partner´s speeches, the husband being the perpetrator. It was designed as a descriptive-exploratory research study with a qualitative approach, interviewing thirty couples in which the women had registered two or more complaints for aggression against the partner in the Woman's Police Station in Florianópolis (Santa Catarina), between October 2006 and January 2007. Contrary to many other studies, the majority of interviewees was active in the labor market. Men, compared with women, were more prone to deny the occurrence or to diminish the frequency of aggression episodes. According to the categories established by data analysis, the main reasons for aggressive behavior interfering in the couples' dynamics were jealousy, the man being contradicted, alcohol ingestion and "love cheating". The study discloses the characteristics of the aggressive behavior perceived by both members of the couple and the way the couple understands the factors that influence the dynamics of domestic violence, not attributing only to the woman the spokesperson role.Downloads
Part I - Articles
How to Cite
Deeke, L. P., Boing, A. F., Oliveira, W. F. de, & Coelho, E. B. S. (2009). Dynamics of domestic violence: an analysis from the perspective of the attacked woman and her partner’s discourses . Saúde E Sociedade, 18(2), 248-258. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104-12902009000200008