Health risk in contaminated area: social theoretical contributions


  • Joyce Maria de Araujo Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz
  • Wanda Maria Risso Günther Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Saúde Pública



Environmental Health, Environmental Contamination, Human Health Risk, Risk in the Social Theory, Risk Society


Hazardous wastes from chemical productive process, which were disposed in inadequate way throughout the time resulting in contamination of an urban area, which is situated in Vila Carioca, southeast of São Paulo city (Brazil). This environmental contamination has effects that represent health risk to the local population. An investigation in this area, from 2003 to 2005, had as a goal to identify social interpretations about the concept of risk situation (perception). In relation with its social dimension, conceptions of risk in order to improve methodology were used; it is supported by social theory and a variety of instruments for data collection, and it is covered by Ulrick Beck's work about risk society. The results obtained led to distinct social interpretations in relation to risk situation (perception). These results suggested diversity of conceptions in the studied population. In this paper, the focus of discussion is for an adoption of multidisciplinary and use of ecosystemic approach in studies and interventions that involve health risk, and thus evidences the relationship between population at-risk and local political decisions.






Part I - Articles

How to Cite

Araujo, J. M. de, & Günther, W. M. R. (2009). Health risk in contaminated area: social theoretical contributions . Saúde E Sociedade, 18(2), 312-324.