Contributions of the Social Constructionist Movement to the Family Practice in the Family Health Strategy
Primary Health Care, Family Health Program, Family, Interdisciplinary communication, EpistemologyAbstract
In this article, we discuss the epistemological transformational movement that has been developed in the field of systemic family practices, highlighting implications of this transformation to the work with families in health, especially in the context of the Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF - Family Health Strategy). Especially based on the contributions of the social constructionist movement, we discuss the importance of the construction of a dialogical context in the interdisciplinary team for the practice of "family discussion", in which health professionals can recognize themselves as active participants in the signification process about the families and their problems, developing an attitude of greater respect for differences and appreciation of the families' resources and strengths, instead of focusing on their deficits and failures. We conclude that the work with families in the ESF involves many challenges, which can only be overcome if the health team articulates itself in a joint and co-responsible work, reviewing its own practice and narratives about family, problem and change.Downloads
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Part II - Articles
How to Cite
Guanaes, C., & Mattos, A. T. R. de. (2011). Contributions of the Social Constructionist Movement to the Family Practice in the Family Health Strategy . Saúde E Sociedade, 20(4), 1005-1017.