The municipal health policy in data: the unified municipal research experience - PMU 1992, 1995 and 1997


  • Zilda Pereira da Silva Fundação SEADE; Setor de informações de Saúde
  • Irineu Francisco Barreto Jr Fundação SEADE; Setor de informações de Saúde
  • Maria do Carmo de Sant´Ana Fundação SEADE; Setor de informações de Saúde



unified municipal research, municipal health system, electronic product, management, Unified Health System


Production and dissemination of municipal information have played an increasingly strategic role as management tools of municipal health systems and dialogue subsidizer among federal authorities, state sectors and municipal authorities. Research was carried out in 645 cities in the State of São Paulo and the results systematized in an electronic product with 11 topics. Its purpose was to make information available and disseminate information that values the municipal SUS. The promotion of an information board reveals that the cities have adjusted to SUS principles. The results also indicate that the need to have information as a management tool is increasingly involving those responsible for health policies. Information gathered and conveyed in the topic. Health topic fills gaps of primary research that did not cover the 645 cities of the State. This information and data on other topics enable the design of an intersectorial panorama of each city.


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How to Cite

Silva, Z. P. da, Barreto Jr, I. F., & Sant´Ana, M. do C. de. (2000). The municipal health policy in data: the unified municipal research experience - PMU 1992, 1995 and 1997 . Saúde E Sociedade, 9(1-2), 151-162.