Opinions, knowledge, and attitudes of health professionals on induced abortion: a review of Brazilian studies (2001-2011)
This paper reviews quantitative and qualitative Brazilian research published from 2001 to 2011 on opinions, knowledge, and attitudes of health professionals on abortion. We included publications with samples composed of professionals with some degree of training. The papers were categorized according to methodological characteristics such as data approach and technique and instrument for data collection, and professional categories such as research site, sample size, and sampling technique. Next, we categorized the main themes of research (e.g., genetic counseling and emergency contraception). Finally, we categorized the results of research on technical and legal knowledge, moral perspectives, opinions about the law, opinions about the National Health System, and hypothetical and concrete attitudes. The publications that were identified suggested broad approval of the abortion cases currently allowed by law but high rejection of criminalization in cases of serious fetal malformations. Most articles reported having investigated medical professionals (obstetricians-gynecologists) or nurses, with little or no data on social workers and psychologists. We have not identified any instruments providing minimum data validity, reliability analysis, or cross-cultural adaptation. We believe that, in the future, development of instruments with these qualities could facilitate the implementation of new research on this topic, including greater coverage and diversification of the professional categories to be studied.Downloads
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Part II - Articles
How to Cite
Cacique, D. B., Passini Junior, R., & Osis, M. J. M. D. (2013). Opinions, knowledge, and attitudes of health professionals on induced abortion: a review of Brazilian studies (2001-2011). Saúde E Sociedade, 22(3), 916-936. https://doi.org/10.1590/sausoc.v22i3.76487