The “animated photograph” aesthetics in contemporary creation: unarchiving, putting into movement, detailed analysis, editing, listening and projection of archived images
Slideshow, cinema and photography, unarchiving images, documentary.Abstract
This article analyses films that show archived photographs and put them into movement, revealing, thanks to the strategies employed by the films and art-installations analysed, that latent tensions and potencies from archived and forgotten images emerge, giving actuality to a violent and painful past. Our objective is to understand and describe this operation of “animating” images originally static in two documentaries – 48, by Susana de Sousa Dias, and Retratos de identificação, by Anita Leandro – and A man
called love, a slideshow created by Tamar Guimarães and Kasper Ankhøj.
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Referências audiovisuais
Criação: Susana de Sousa Dias. Portugal, 2010.
A FAMÍLIA do capitão Gervásio. Criação: Tamar Guimarães e Kasper Ankhøj. Brasil,
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