The violence of (non-)understanding: notes on Foucault, psychoanalysis and the interpretation of madness




Madness, Schizophrenia, Hermeneutics, Michel Foucault, Apollo and Dyonisus


Based on a dialogue with Michel  Foucault’, the article tackles the  analytical and moral aspects of the  problem of the “understandability” of  madness. The analytical aspects  involve the issue of whether madness  is understandable or, at least, to what  extent it may be rendered  understandable to an external point of  view. The moral aspects concern the  normative attitudes that one may  legitimately assume in face of “mad”  experiences, discourses and practices,  especially when they appear opaque,  at least at first glance, to “normal”  schemes of interpretation. The  discussion is intercrossed with a  critique – of a more general scope, but  also applicable to Foucault – of the  tendency within certain currents of  philosophy, social science and  psychology to neglect “Apollonian”  modalities of madness on behalf of its  “Dyonisian” forms, be they pathologized as “regressions” or  celebrated as subversive of psychic devices of power.


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Author Biography

  • Gabriel Peters, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

    Professor do Departamento de Sociologia da UFPE e autor de dois livros: Percursos na teoria das práticas sociais: Anthony Giddens e Pierre Bourdieu e A ordem social como problema psíquico: do existencialismo sociológico à epistemologia insana. Escreve com frequência no Blog do Labemus – Laboratório de Estudos em Teoria e Mudança Social:


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How to Cite

Peters, G. (2022). The violence of (non-)understanding: notes on Foucault, psychoanalysis and the interpretation of madness. Tempo Social, 34(1), 5-30.