Morphometry of the mandibular foramen applied to the local anesthetic block to inferior alveolar nerve in boars (Sus scrofa scrofa Linnaeus, 1758)




Anesthesia, Mandible, Morphology, Animal dentistry, Suidae


Boars kept on commercial farms use their canine teeth as a mechanism of defense and attack in order to express their natural instincts, which could result in fractures of the teeth and jaws. Thus, utilizing local desensitization of the inferior alveolar nerve is crucial for executing therapeutic procedures in the oral cavities of those animals. Then, the goal is to carry out the morphometry of the mandibular foramen of that species, correlating it with the mandibular structures, while doing so in the safest manner for the animals. For that purpose, six hemimandibles of young-aged Sus scrofa scrofa were used, from which the proposed measurements were taken. On average, the lateral margin of the condylar process stood 142.43 mm away from the root of the lower medial incisive tooth. The longitudinal axis of the body of the mandible measured 22.3 mm at the level of the diastema that exists between the fourth lower premolar tooth and the first lower molar tooth. The mandibular foramen, from the caudal limit of the ventral margin, would be positioned at
26.6 mm from the ventral margin of the angle of the mandible in that level, 34.92 mm away from the medial margin of the condylar process, and 38.63 mm away from the dorsal limit from the caudal margin of the coronoid process. The lack of statistically significant differences, and observing that the osseous accident under scrutiny had been positioned in the ramus of the mandible, indicated that the proposed procedure should be performed from the introduction of the needle in an oblique and rostrodorsal direction for 2.0 cm, and angulated at 60º with the anatomic reference created by the medial demarcation obtained via the support of the thumb on the lateral margin of the ramus of the mandible, ventrally to the zygomatic arch, all while preserving neighboring structures and establishing an unheard-of anesthetic methodology for boars.


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How to Cite

Paulo CB de, Magalhães HIR, Barcelos JB, Romão FB, Borges TRJ, Silva FOC e, et al. Morphometry of the mandibular foramen applied to the local anesthetic block to inferior alveolar nerve in boars (Sus scrofa scrofa Linnaeus, 1758). Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];57(1):e161658. Available from: