Origin and ramification of the brachiocephalic trunk and subclavian artery in domestic goose (Anser domestica)
Geese, Brachiocephalic, Artery subclavian, MorphologyAbstract
It was studied the origin and the ramification of the branches from brachiocephalic trunk in 30 goose (Anser domestica), adults 21 males and 09 females. The animals, after sacrifice, were injected in the squiatic artery with latex Neoprene solution and fixed in formalin 10% aqueous solution. The brachiocephalic trunks, right and left, arise from aorta, after its emergency in left atria and divided in right and left subclavian and common carotid arteries. The subclavian arteries originated constantly, in both antimeres, the sternoclavicularis, axilar and internal thoracic arteries and the pectoral trunks and inconstantly the accessory esternoclavicularis artery and the pericardium branches. The sternoclavicularis artery arises in the right antimere in 27 (90,0% ± 6,0) and in the left antimere in 25 animals (83,3% ± 7,5). There were the pericardium branches in 7 animals (23,3% ± 8,5) in right antimere, in 11 animals (36,7% ± 9,6) in left antimere and in 4 animals (13,3% ± 6,8) in both sides. The pectoral trunk is a terminal branch from subclavian artery and divided in cranial and caudal pectoral arteries. It weren't observed significant differences between males and females in vascular pattern of the data analyzed.Downloads
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Santos TC dos, Pereira CCH, Bombonato PP, Monteiro-Filho LPC. Origin and ramification of the brachiocephalic trunk and subclavian artery in domestic goose (Anser domestica). Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2006 Jun. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];43(3):296-301. Available from: https://revistas.usp.br/bjvras/article/view/26476