Endothelin-1 effects on steroidogenesis and cellular growth of bovine granulosa cells culture
Steroidogenesis, Granulosa cells, Catte, Endothelin-1, Follicular developmentAbstract
Besides the neuroendocrine control of the hypotalamic-hypophisary-gonodal axis there are autocrines and paracrines factors that control the growth, selection and ovulation in the mammals. These factors are not well established yet. Aiming to analyze the variations in the endotelin-1plasmatic concentrations in a bovine estral cycle and their effects on the culture of granulosa cells, plasma samples of 5 days (0,1,3,7 and 13) from an estral cycle have been analyzed, having as basis the ovulation day (day 0) and 3 hours (8,13,16) of the fourteenth day of the cycle. The variations in the endothelin-1 concentrations were not significant for the days as well as for the hours of the analyzed day. Granulosa cells obtained from antral follicles were cultivated during 24 hours with different concentrations of endothelin. The results demonstrated that the endothelin-1 acts in a dose-dependent manner stimulating the production of progesterone and inhibiting the cellular growth.Downloads
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Montrezor LH, Rosa e Silva AAM. Endothelin-1 effects on steroidogenesis and cellular growth of bovine granulosa cells culture. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2007 Apr. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 25];44(2):103-14. Available from: https://revistas.usp.br/bjvras/article/view/26648