Effect of lactic and butiric acids , isolated and associated, on performance and intestinal morfometric in broilers
Organic acids, Additives, Aviculture, Intestinal morphology, Growth promoterAbstract
During the last years, the national poultry keeping has suffered constant challenges, having as objective to diversify the consuming market of the broiler to around of the world. However, each market presents different requirements, as in the case of the European market that establishes the exclusion of antibiotics as promotional of growth in the feeding of the broilers. Aiming at this problematic one, this study was become fullfilled, with the objective to analyze the results of the association of the butyric and lactic acids as additives in the ration of broilers, in comparison to the results gotten for the usually used promoters of growth in the diets of broilers. They had been evaluated: the animal performance, humoral immunology and intestinal morfometric of the birds. 1400 male chickens of the commercial ancestry Ross had been used, dividing them in five groups with different treatments to that if it relates to the additive use. Being a group it has controlled absent of additive, a group with butyric acid, a group with lactic acid, the fourth group with the association of butyric and lactic acids, and the fifth group with avilamicina (antibiotic) as promotional of traditionally used growth in the production of broilers. The performance results had indicated that the interaction of acid ones was significant in the initial phase, mean while did not occur an additive effect of acid ones, being the use of the butyric acid separately more recommendable during this phase. Already in the growth phase, the interaction was significant with an additive effect, recommending its use in the rations of growth. In accordance with the average headings of antibodies gotten in the study, the interaction was significant in the third sampling and showed a synergic effect of acid ones, being the combination of acids in question a powerful modulator of the humoral immunity. Meanwhile, the results gotten in the analyses of intestinal morfometric had not been conclusive. In general terms, one requires more organic acid studies that confirm the use of as the promotional ones of growth.Downloads
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Salazari PCR, Albuquerque R de, Takeara P, Trindade Neto MA da, Araújo LF de. Effect of lactic and butiric acids , isolated and associated, on performance and intestinal morfometric in broilers. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 2008 Dec. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];45(6):463-71. Available from: https://revistas.usp.br/bjvras/article/view/26670