Equine influenza: evaluation of the humoral immune response through the hemagglutination inhibition and single radial haemolysis, in vaccinated horses with commercial and experimental vaccines


  • Dalva Assunção Portari Mancini Instituto Butantan, Seção de Influenza do Serviço de Virologia, São Paulo, SP
  • Rita Maria Zucatelli Mendonça Instituto Butantan, Seção de Influenza do Serviço de Virologia, São Paulo, SP
  • José Ricardo Pinto Instituto Butantan, Seção de Influenza do Serviço de Virologia, São Paulo, SP
  • Sebastião Teixeira de Almeida Instituto Butantan, Seção de Influenza do Serviço de Virologia, São Paulo, SP




Equine influenza virus, Vaccines, Serum horses.


Equine Influenza: evaluation of the humoral immune response through the hemagglutination inhibition and single radial haemolysis, in horses vaccinated with commercial and experimental vaccines. From 4 equine groups, the antibody protection levels against influenza were evaluted through the hemagglutination inhibition and single radial haemolysis. One group of these animals received immunization from 2 doses of influenza vaccine, of experimental preparation, at the Butantan Institute, São Paulo, Brasil (IB). Two other horse groups, regularly vaccinated received the annual booster dose from both commercial and experimental vaccines (IB). A control group remained without vaccination. Differences were observed among the antibody level medians of the serum samples harvested prior and post immunization of those vaccinated animals. No evident differences were detected among the antibody level medians from animals that received annual booster doses, due to the persistence of the protective antibody level, 12 months after the regular immunization. In the control group, the animals showed low antibody levels, for both serum samples. In fact these results suggested the good serologic response of both vaccines, the commercial and the experimental, tested preparations.







How to Cite

Mancini DAP, Mendonça RMZ, Pinto JR, Almeida ST de. Equine influenza: evaluation of the humoral immune response through the hemagglutination inhibition and single radial haemolysis, in vaccinated horses with commercial and experimental vaccines. Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. [Internet]. 1996 Mar. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];33(1):36-40. Available from: https://revistas.usp.br/bjvras/article/view/50276