Ulysses and “A Painful Case”?


  • Caetano Waldrigues Galindo Universidade Federal do Paraná




This paper deals with the possibility that the story A Painful Case may present deep thematic and structural connections with Joyce’s later work,
and with his entire oeuvre. Beyond the fact that one or more of its  characters reappear in Ulysses, these themes and connections, sometimes represented by a name, an idea or a tune can contribute to a pervasive reading of Joyce’s work.

Keywords: James Joyce; Dubliners; Close Reading.

Author Biography

  • Caetano Waldrigues Galindo, Universidade Federal do Paraná

    Caetano Waldrigues Galindo teaches the history of the Portuguese language at Universidade Federal do Paraná. He has a research grant (Level 2) from the CNPq (National
    Research Council). He has been working mainly, in the last twelve years, with the ouevre of James Joyce, the theory of the novel, and translation studies. He has translated almost
    thirty books, and his version of Joyce’s Ulysses has garnered three of the four major Brazilian translation prizes in 2012/13. His first collection of short stories (Ensaio sobre o
    entendimento humano), has also won a national prize in 2013.






100 Years of Dubliners

How to Cite

Galindo, C. W. (2014). Ulysses and “A Painful Case”?. ABEI Journal, 16, 21-29. https://doi.org/10.37389/abei.v16i0.3553