Reflections on The Invisible Experience. Irish Immigrants in Peru


  • Gabriela McEvoy Lebanon Valley College



Through the study of a variety of primary sources such as letters, wills, birth, marriage, and death certificates, the author examines Irish immigration to Peru in mid nineteenth century. In this sense, McEvoy focuses on some of the most representative examples of Irish immigrants. That is, both workers and peasants who were part of one of the first migration projects to Peru and to successful immigrants such as John Patrick Gallagher O'Connor and William Russell Grace, who shortly after reaching Peru, became businessmen and  prestigious professionals. By recovering Irish immigrant voices, this book reconstructs part of the story of men and women that printed their culture in Peru and contributed with the construction of modern Peru.

Keywords: Irish diaspora; immigration projects; mobilized and proletariat diaspora; assimilation; transnationalism.

Author Biography

  • Gabriela McEvoy, Lebanon Valley College
    Gabriela McEvoy received her B.A., M.A. and PhD from UC, San Diego and specialized in Latin American Literature. She is the Chair of Languages and Associate Professor of Spanish at Lebanon Valley College in Pennsylvania. Dr. McEvoy teaches all levels of Spanish Language, Culture, and Literature, and has published articles and presented national and international papers at conferences dealing with immigration into Latin America. She just published her book La Experiencia invisible. La inmigración irlandesa en el Perú. The book represents a multidisciplinary project that analyzes numerous primary documents, such as personal letters and wills. She is the Spanish Editor of the Society for Irish Latin American Studies (SILAS). At present, Dr. McEvoy is working on her next book titled La construcción de la imagen heroica en épocas de crisis. This project discusses the relation between trauma, memory, violence and the heroic image construction.






The Critic and the Author

How to Cite

McEvoy, G. (2018). Reflections on The Invisible Experience. Irish Immigrants in Peru. ABEI Journal, 20(1), 33-36.