In the Name of this Land/Em nome desta Terra: Documenting Roger Casement’s presence in the Putumayo


  • Aurélio Michiles
  • Mariana Bolfarine



Roger Casement; Putumayo; Amazon; Rubber; Documentary film.


In the Name of this Land/Em Nome desta Terra is a feature documentary film that explores the atrocities committed by rubber barons against the
enslaved Indians in Colombia and on the Putumayo River district. Such atrocities were reported in 1910 by the British diplomat Roger Casement, an obstinate human rights defender, in the Amazon and in Africa, who was sentenced to death in 1916 after fighting for the independence of Ireland. In April 2019, in La Chorrera, where the Peruvian Amazon Company was stationed, along 10 days the production crew filmed the lives of the Uitotos, Boras, Ocainas and Muinanes Indians, the four surviving peoples of what is now known as the “indigenous holocaust”.

Author Biography

  • Aurélio Michiles

    Aurélio Michiles was born in Manaus, Amazonia. Studied the Institute of Arts and Architecture - UnB (1973) and of Performing Arts - School of Visual Arts, Parque Lage, RJ
    (1978). Worked at TV Globo, Bandeirantes, Cultura-SP. Screenplay and Direction: “In Name of This Land” (In Production); “All For the Love of Cinema” (2014); “The filmmaker from the Jungle” (97); “Cheers for Glauber!”91); “Utopic Graphics” (2003); “Amazonas Theatre” (2002);
    “Large Brazil and Gigantic Indians” (95); “David Against Goliath” (94); “Lina Bo Bardi” (93); “The Tree of Fortune” (92), among others.






Travel Writing

How to Cite

Michiles, A., & Bolfarine, M. (2020). In the Name of this Land/Em nome desta Terra: Documenting Roger Casement’s presence in the Putumayo. ABEI Journal, 21(2), 51-54.