Vidal, Nara. Sorte. Belo Horizonte: Editora Moinhos, 2019, p. 99.




Published in 2019, “Sorte”, by Brazilian writer Nara Vidal, is a historical novel whose main character is Margareth Cunningham, a young woman living with her family in the 18th Century Ireland. Suffering from famine and poor living conditions, they dream to move to Brazil, whose name resembles the mythical island Hy-Brazil. This review analyzes the narrative movement in which utopia is an impulse that drive their journey and the text, while the fictive universe serves as an investigation of structures of oppression that remain in both countries throughout the centuries.

Author Biography

  • Alysson Tadeu Alves de Oliveira, Universidade de São Paulo

    Alysson Tadeu Alves de Oliveira is a PhD candidate at Letras (Inglês), FFLCH-USP . Graduated in journalism, he works as a film critic. His research is about American writer Ursula K. Le Guin, and the sense of utopia in her novels. He has a CAPES grant.




How to Cite

Oliveira, A. T. A. de. (2020). Vidal, Nara. Sorte. Belo Horizonte: Editora Moinhos, 2019, p. 99. ABEI Journal, 21(2), 157-159.