Caroline Moreira Eufrausino’s Anne Enright. Feminine Aesthetics: Writing, Mothering, Spiraling


  • María Amor Barros del Río Universidad de Burgos



Eufrausino, Caroline. Anne Enright. Feminine Aesthetics: Writing, Mothering, Spiraling. Peter Lang, 2021.

Author Biography

  • María Amor Barros del Río, Universidad de Burgos

    Maria Amor Barros-del Río is Senior Lecturer at the University of Burgos, Spain. Her research focuses mainly on gender studies and contemporary fiction in English with a special interest in Irish fiction. Other fields of interest are critical pedagogy and second language teaching. She has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals such as Estudios IrlandesesGender, Place and CultureJournal of Research in Gender Studies, International Journal of English Studies, English Language Teaching and The International Journal of English Studies. She is the author of Metáforas de su tierra: Breve historia de las mujeres irlandesas (2004) and El trabajo de las mujeres pobres (2010). Some of her contributions in collective works can be found in Postcolonial and Gender Perspectives in Irish Studies (ed. M. Morales Ladrón, 2007), Single Motherhood in 20th Century Ireland (eds. C. Ramblado-Minero and M. A. Pérez-Vides, 2006) and La Novela Irlandesa del siglo XX (ed. I. Praga Terente, 2005).


Beale, Nigel. “Flannery O’Connor, Rebecca Rosenblum, Nam Le and Anne Enright: On the Short Story.” 5 October 2017. Web. Accessed 18 March 2021.

Eufrausino, Caroline. Anne Enright. Feminine Aesthetics: Writing, Mothering, Spiraling. Peter Lang, 2021.

Lavan, Rosie. “Enduring Fictions: Celebrating The Long Gaze Back.” Irish Times. 4 April 2018. Accessed 23 March 2021.

Putnam, Conan. “An Interview with Anne Enright.” The Believer. 1 January 2014. Accessed 11 March 2021.

Schneider, Ana Karina. Understanding Anne Enright. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020.

Schwall, Hedwig. “Muscular Metaphors in Anne Enright: An Interview.” The European English Messenger 17.1 (2008): 16-22.




How to Cite

Río, M. A. B. del. (2021). Caroline Moreira Eufrausino’s Anne Enright. Feminine Aesthetics: Writing, Mothering, Spiraling. ABEI Journal, 23(1), 185-188.