Laura Izarra. O Trauma Cultural: Ressonâncias literárias Irlandesas/ Cultural Trauma: Irish Literary Resonances.


  • Mariana Bolfarine Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis



Laura Izarra. O Trauma Cultural: Ressonâncias literárias Irlandesas/ Cultural Trauma: Irish Literary Resonances. São Paulo: FFLCH/USP, 2020, pp. 108, ISBN 978-65-87621-42-5.

Author Biography

  • Mariana Bolfarine, Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis

    Mariana Bolfarine holds a PhD from the University of São Paulo, and was research fellow at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth (2013-2014). Dr. Bolfarine teaches at the Federal University of Rondonópolis (UFR), is a researcher at the WB Yeats Chair of Irish Studies and head of the Brazilian Association of Irish Studies. She has translated into Portuguese: Roger Casement in Brazil: Rubber, the Amazon and the Atlantic World 1884-1916 (2010) and the Amazon Journal of Roger Casement (2016) and is the author of Between “Angels and Demons”: Trauma in Fictional representations of Roger Casement (2018).


ARENDT, Hanna. The Origins of Totalitarianism, New York: A Harvest/HBJ Book, 1973[1951].

Izarra, Laura. O Trauma Cultural: Ressonâncias literárias Irlandesas. São Paulo: FFLCH/USP, 2020.




How to Cite

Bolfarine, M. (2021). Laura Izarra. O Trauma Cultural: Ressonâncias literárias Irlandesas/ Cultural Trauma: Irish Literary Resonances . ABEI Journal, 23(1), 189-192.