Samuel Beckett at the Brazilian Cerrado. Dialogues




Theater, Performance, Samuel Beckett, Irish Theatre, Cerrado, Brazilian Theatre, Goiânia Theatre, Máskara


This article discusses possible dialogues between the literary and dramatic work of Samuel Beckett and the imagery of the Goiás Savannah (Cerrado) by analysing the performances of Máskara – Transdisciplinary Research Centre for Theatre, Dance and Performance, a group founded in 2002 at the School of Music and Performing Arts of the Federal University of Goiás. In its 20 years of existence, this group has already staged 5 performances based on the texts of the Irish writer, bringing out elements of the imagery of the city of Goiânia and the colours and visual references of the Cerrado. Drawing on reflections by the Brazilian director Robson Corrêa de Camargo and the philosopher and Brazilian indigenous leader Ailton Krenak, this article reflects on how the particularities of Beckett’s work find fertile ground to take root in the soil of Goiás.

Author Biographies

  • Ronei Vieira Nogueira, Universidade Federal de Goiás

    Ronei Vieira Nogueira is an actor and a producer of Máskara – Núcleo Transdisciplinar de Pesquisas em Teatro, Dança e Performance. He is also a teacher of the Secretaria de Educação do Estado de Goiás and a PhD candidate in Cultural Performances at the Federal University of Goiás.

  • Robson Corrêa de Camargo, Universidade Federal de Goiás

    Robson Corrêa de Camargo is a theatre director and a professor at the Federal University of Goiás. He holds a PhD in Drama from the University of São Paulo and is the founder of the Máskara – Núcleo Transdisciplinar de Pesquisas em Teatro, Dança e Performance and of the postgraduate programme in Performances. 


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How to Cite

Nogueira, R. V., & Camargo, R. C. de. (2023). Samuel Beckett at the Brazilian Cerrado. Dialogues. ABEI Journal, 25(2), 167-188.