Effect of 12 weeks of home-based physical exercise in the fitness of elderly women with breast cancer: a randomized clinical trial
Breast Neoplasms, Exercise, Physical Fitness, AgedAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the effects of a home-based physical exercise program on fitness of elderly women with breast cancer. Methods: A randomized clinical trial with 75 elderly patients receiving treatment of breast cancer was developed in a General Hospital of Recife, Brazil, from April to November 2015. 38 were randomized for a home–based physical exercise program during 12 weeks and 37 were Control Group, which received monthly lectures on the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle. An instructional material of physical exercise with a brochure and DVD was previously developed and distributed to the Intervention Group. The Senior Fitness Test was used to evaluated physical fitness. Results: A significant improvement in muscle strength, flexibility, balance and aerobic resistance was observed in the Group Intervention according to the Senior Fitness Test items; 30-s arm curl (13.74 – 17.10 repetitions, p<0.01); 30-s chair stand (12.03 – 14.55 repetitions, p<0.01); 8-foot up-and-go (6.85 – 6.00 seconds, p<0.01); 2-min step test (79.08 – 123.37 past doubles, p<0.01); Back scratch (-8.74 to -0.42 centimeters, p<0.01); Chair sit-and-reach (-6.76 to 4.76 centimeters, p<0.01). However, BMI and manual grip strength did not show any change in both groups. Conclusion: A home-based physical exercise program showed efficacy to improve physical fitness in elderly patients receiving treatment of breast cancer.
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