Memory consciousness failure of a person who suffers from brain lesion


  • Sandra Regina Schewinsky Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Medicina
  • Luccia Ghiringhello Universidade São Marcos



Memory, Conscience, Social-historical theory


This work paper has the aim of focusing the Memory Consciousness Failure of a person who suffers from brain lesion. This sickness is relevant due to the fact that several individuals, including young people, have suffered from neurological damages that cause losses in the mnemonic activity, but they are not conscience of this failure, fact which interferes in their perfomance as a whole, transforming the healing process even harder. The presuppositions of the social-historical theory subside this investigation. This research deals with the study of a cases based on the qualitative paradigm for the understanding of itselfs. The subject is Thyago a young man who finds himself as the rehabilitation process of the DMR – HCFMUSP since he suffered Brain-Injury, having as damage difficulties of the memory and the decreasing of the consciousness wideness. The results contributes for a greater understanding of the damages on the person, who was injured in the brain. So, it will illustrates how the memory damages consciousness process develops in co-relation at social interaction. As a consequence he is able to collaborate on the psychological therapeutics that comptends the reorganization of his congnitive activities.



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Original Article

How to Cite

Schewinsky SR, Ghiringhello L. Memory consciousness failure of a person who suffers from brain lesion. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2002 Dec. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 16];9(3):109-16. Available from: