Reliability analysis of palpation test and biofeedback pressoric unit on the activation of transversus abdominis muscle in normal individuals


  • Leonardo Oliveira Pena Costa Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais
  • Lucíola da Cunha Menezes Costa
  • Ricardo Lopes Cançado
  • Warley de Melo Oliveira
  • Paulo Henrique Ferreira Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



Pressure Biofeedback, Transversus Abdominis, Reliability


The objective of this article was to investigate the intra-tester reliability of Palpation test and the StabilizerÒ Pressure Biofeedback Unit (PBU) on the activation of the Trasversus Abdominis (TrA) muscle in non-symptomatic subjects. A test-retest study with seven-day interval between data collections in twenty-nine volunteers using both tests was conducted. The results indicated a substantial reliability on the Palpation test (ICC= 0,70) and a moderate reliability on the PBU test (ICC= 0,50), there was a positive and significative correlation between the two tests (0,990 p<0,01). It was concluded by this study that the Palpation test and the PBU test are reliable tools to measure the TrA activation and this methodology should be used clinically as well as in clinical trials.


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How to Cite

Costa LOP, Costa L da CM, Cançado RL, Oliveira W de M, Ferreira PH. Reliability analysis of palpation test and biofeedback pressoric unit on the activation of transversus abdominis muscle in normal individuals. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2004 Dec. 9 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];11(3):101-5. Available from: