Identification of factors associated to pressure sores in paraplegic individuals and related to leisure activities


  • Valéria Barreto Esteves Leite Hospital Abreu Sodré
  • Ana Cristina Mancussi Faro Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Enfermagem



Paraplegy, Pressure Sore, Rehabilitation


The spinal cord injury provokes motor and sensory deficits, vasomotor and autonomic alteration bellow the level of injury. The pressure sore (PS) is frequently observed and serious among paraplegic individuals. The goals of this study are to identify the factors associated to PS among paraplegic individuals which injury was in T6 or bellow and related then to PS prevention and leisure activities. The study was done in a selection place of a rehabilitation center in São Paulo-Brazil. The population was constituted by 35 paraplegic individuals and 90,32% were male; 22,58% had more than 53 years old; 45,16% had paraplegy from 1 to 3 years and 83,87% had trauma as the cause of injury. The use of television and videocassette was cited by 67,74%. In relation to the nature of leisure activities, 70,0% referred as passive activities and 18,18% as active. The PS occurred less frequently among individuals with active leisure actions. The preventive interventions cited more often were skin self-exam and change of positions. The health assistance must be holistic and based on preventive intervention. In the selection the rehabilitation professional’s an opportunity to promote therapeutic approach in order to prevent PS.


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How to Cite

Leite VBE, Faro ACM. Identification of factors associated to pressure sores in paraplegic individuals and related to leisure activities. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2006 Apr. 9 [cited 2024 Jul. 6];13(1):21-5. Available from: