Hydrogymnastics as a means for the maintenance of the elderly’s quality of life and health
Motor Activity, Quality of Life, AgingAbstract
Scientific evidence points out the important benefits of the practice of physical activities for the elderly, considering their mobility, mental and physical health as well as quality of life. Hydrogymnastics has been considered an alternative to encourage elderly people to practice physical activities and to promote a healthier and more active lifestyle; however, it needs further investigation about its effect on health and quality of life of this population, as well as work methodologies. Therefore, the aim of this literature review was to seek studies about hydrogymnastics and hydrogymnastics for the elderly, presenting and discussing their results, while establishing correlations with the promotion of health and quality of life in this population. The studies showed that hydrogymnastics favors the development of important physical aspects, such as cardiorespiratory endurance, force and flexibility. Similarly to any other type of exercise, it can be practiced continuously, especially considering elderly individuals and it also can be combined with recreation and relaxation activities. The correlation between the practice of hydrogymnastics and the elderly’s health in the analyzed studies considered mainly the performance in motor tests, which shows the necessity to carry out studies that also analyze the effect of these practices on the quality of life as a perception of the elderly’s well-being.
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