Virtual rehabilitation using video games: a case report of the treatment of a patient with high median and high ulnar nerve lesions


  • Alaine Aparecida Benetti De Grande Universidade Potiguar - UnP
  • Fábio Ricardo de Oliveira Galvão Universidade Potiguar - UnP
  • Luiz Carlos Alves Gondim Universidade Potiguar - UnP



Occupational Therapy, Peripheral Nerves, Rehabilitation, Video Games


The intent of this study was to verify the application of virtual rehabilitation as a resource for occupational therapy for a patient with high median and high ulnar nerve injuries, and to describe and compare the levels of range of motion of the injured limb joints. This was a longitudinal survey with a 9 years old patient, male, diagnosed with nerve damage at the Potiguar University School of Occupational Therapy Clinic. The survey was carried out from May to September of 2010. Throughout the 13 sessions, a television and a Nintendo ® Wii video game (with four games) were used as intervention tools, and a goniometer was used for collecting data. During reassessment, active movement and increased range of motion in all joints assessed were observed: elbow flexion and extension; forearm pronation and supination; wrist flexion, extension, radio and ulnar deviation; thumb metacarpophalangeal flexion, interphalangeal flexion, abduction and opponency at stage III (Kapandji); II, III, IV and V fingers. The metacarpals presented improvements in flexion and extension. The results showed the effectiveness of video games as evidenced by goniometric evaluation. The patient studied regained the ability to perform activities of daily living independently and to play sports competitively.


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Case Report

How to Cite

De Grande AAB, Galvão FR de O, Gondim LCA. Virtual rehabilitation using video games: a case report of the treatment of a patient with high median and high ulnar nerve lesions. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2011 Sep. 9 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];18(3):157-62. Available from: