Barriers to cardiovascular rehabilitation care in a northeast city of Brazil


  • Luciano Sá Teles de Almeida Santos
  • Emanuella Gomes
  • Júlia Vilaronga
  • Walleska Nunes
  • Alan Carlos Nery Santos Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS
  • Fernanda Oliveira Baptista Almeida
  • Jefferson Petto Faculdade Social da Bahia - FSBA



Cardiovascular Diseases, Heart Failure, Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Communication Barriers


Identifying barriers by regions of Brazil can be a valuable strategy to improve the insertion and adherence of patients with cardiopathy to cardiovascular rehabilitation programs. Objective: To identify and describe the reasons that lead to the non-inclusion of individuals with cardiopathy in cardiovascular rehabilitation programs. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study with 79 individuals of both sexes, aged over 50 years, with cardiopathy from five private cardiology clinics. To identify the factors that interfered with the inclusion of patients in cardiovascular rehabilitation programs, the scale of barriers for cardiac rehabilitation was applied. This instrument is composed of 22 items, 21 of which are closed and objective questions. Individuals were instructed to tick "YES" or "NO" for each target item on the scale if they identified the item as a barrier to inclusion / adherence. Results: 64 (81%) of the sample did not know about the existence of cardiovascular rehabilitation and its benefits. For 50 (63%) the distance from the residence to the rehabilitation center was a barrier. In addition, the cost of urban mobility 37 (47%) and the lack of indication of the physician as unnecessary 32 (40%) were also pointed as barriers. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the main reasons for non-insertion in cardiovascular rehabilitation programs were the lack of knowledge about the benefits of this type of program, the distance of the patients' residence to the nearest center and the displacement cost.


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How to Cite

Santos LST de A, Gomes E, Vilaronga J, Nunes W, Santos ACN, Almeida FOB, et al. Barriers to cardiovascular rehabilitation care in a northeast city of Brazil. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2017 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];24(2):67-71. Available from: