Isokinetic performance of knee muscles in futsal athletes during pre-season and middle-season
Muscle Strength, Knee, AthletesAbstract
Futsal is a multiple sprint that require constant changes in direction, speed, kicks and tackles, therefore the lower limbs, and specifically the knee muscles, play a crucial role during these futsal's actions, as the intense demands put on athletes during a futsal regular season can result in muscle imbalances between the lower limbs and between the extensor and flexor muscles of the knee, thereby, decreasing the muscular performance and increasing the risk of knee injuries. Objective:The aims of this study were to analyze the lower limbs differences after the demands of a regular season on the knee's muscles' strength, and the relations between the extensor and flexor muscles.Method: Data on 15 professional futsal players at pre-season and middle-season, provided by a database were analyzed. The database provided data from isokinetic dynamometer evaluations in a concentric-concentric mode for the knee extensor and flexor muscles at angular velocities of 60º/s, 120º/s, 180º/s and 240º/s. Results: No significant differences in peak torque (PT) of the extensor and flexor muscles, and of the flexor/extensor ratios were found between the limbs when compared at the same angular velocity and at the same time, either pre-season or middle-season. However, the PT values for the middle-season were almost always significantly higher when compared to the pre-season. Conclusion: These findings indicate that the training prescribed during the season was adequate and allowed to increase the muscle strength and also prevented imbalances.
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