Comparison between electrhyphysiological changes and functional gains of patients with Guillain Barré syndrome in the Rehabilitation and Readaptation Center Dr. Henrique Santillo (CRER)
Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Electromyography, Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation CentersAbstract
Progressive acute inflammatory polyradiculopathy, Guillain Barré syndrome (GBS) is commonly associated to a post exposition to an infectious agent or a stimulus, thereby compromising peripheral motor neurons. Objective: The objective is to compare electrophysiological changes with functional improvements of GBS on the relation between prognosis and alterations of the electroneuromyography assessment, and to evaluate patients after one year of onset GBS. Methods: Retrospective study based on medical reports of the Centro de Reabilitação e Readaptação Dr. Henrique Santillo - CRER of patients registered from 2008 to 2014. Results: Forty-eight cases were found, nineteen reports were selected, once they attended the time period criteria. One of these was excluded due to lack of electroneuromyography data, therefore data of eighteen patients were analyzed. Conclusion: Rehabilitation is substantial in the final results and in the long term of patients with GBS, whereas rehabilitation program for hospitalized patients is a distinctive work to diminish the losses imposed by GBS, regardless of the functional deficits. The data have shown that the functional improvements acquired one year after GBS onset have no evident relation to what is found in electroneuromyography.
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