Analysis of the muscle strength increase for recovery of ortostatism in elderlies with temporary immobility syndrome


  • Jefferson Lucio da Silva
  • Eduardo Filoni Eduardo Filoni Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes - UMC
  • Carolina Miyuki Suguimoto Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes - UMC



Frail Elderly, Resistance Training, Muscle Strength


The immobility syndrome (IS), a comon issue among elderly people, occurs in patients who are bedridden for long periods, and causes loss of muscle strength and morbidity and mortality consequently. Objective: To analyze the necessary muscle strength increase for the recovery of orthostatism in the elderly with temporary IS. Method: Thirty elderly with IS were screened for inclusion/exclusion criteria, and 14 elderly were included. They had their quadriceps and gluteus muscle strength evaluated (in kilograms), and then performed strengthening sessions. At the end of the program, orthostatic attempts were made. Those who reacquired the posture were called G1; those who did not reacquire were called G2. The exercise load increase, number of sessions required, participant weight at baseline, age and immobility time were analyzed. Results: Ten participants of G1 (71.4%) reacquired orthostatism (G1), after a mean of 21.4 sessions, a mean quadriceps muscle strength increase of 6kg (177%), and a mean gluteus muscle strength increase of 2.2kg (102%), whereas in the G2, whose participants did not recover orthostatism, the mean quadriceps and gluteus muscle strength increase were 4.125kg (117%) and 1.625kg (39%) respectively. The p value of the group comparisons were 0.001 for the quadriceps strength increase and 0.0002 for the gluteus strength increase. There was a strong correlation between the participant's baseline weight and the quadriceps and gluteus muscle strength increase (-0.96 and -0.84 respectively) and moderate correlation between age of G1 and G2 and muscle strength increase (0.59 and 0.58 respectively) and between immobility time and muscle strength increase (0.53 for gluteus and 0.50 for quadriceps). Conclusion: Muscle strength increase was essential for recovering orthostatism, whereas weight, age and time of immobilism are significantly correlated with muscle strength increase.


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How to Cite

Silva JL da, Eduardo Filoni EF, Suguimoto CM. Analysis of the muscle strength increase for recovery of ortostatism in elderlies with temporary immobility syndrome. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2017 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];24(3):113-9. Available from: