Music therapy in the reabilitation process with amputation patients


  • Maristela Pires da Cruz Smith Instituto de Medicina Física e Reabilitação - FMUSP
  • Vera Lucia Rodrigues Alves Instituto de Medicina Física e Reabilitação - FMUSP



Disabled Persons, Amputees, Ego, Music Therapy


The holistic view of man –  man as a social being – suggests that rehabilitative actions, applied to patients with physical disablement – such as limbs amputation – evidence efficacy, resulting in improvement and faster readaptation of the person to new ways of “being part of the world”, even when experiencing the social stigma of being a “different person”. This study explored the epistemological presuppositions of the Critical Social Psychology, which were demonstrated through Music Therapy techniques. It was expected that the practice of Music therapy sessions could facilitate the expression of the subject’s internal music, whose content was recorded by means of words, subsequently transformed into singing words and then into music composition. It embraced the joint participation of the persons involved in the clinical work, that is between the researcher (author of this project) and in each of the five patients, viewed individually, since it involved a participatory action research. The speech analysis of the narratives of the life stories was based on the categories that substantiated Critical Social Psychology. The recordings entered were based on patients’ sonorous-musical behavior observations, applying the “Recording Model of Sonorous-Rhythmic-Musical, Body-Vocal and Behavioral Reactions”, not only for the objective registration, but also for the subjective musical interpretations, with “the identity as metamorphosis” being the main theoretical reference.


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Original Article

How to Cite

Smith MP da C, Alves VLR. Music therapy in the reabilitation process with amputation patients. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2018 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 23];25(3):145-8. Available from: