Correlation of functional status evolution with invasive mechanical ventilation time in critically ill patients


  • Marilucia Reis dos Santos Hospital Geral Roberto Santos - Salvador/Bahia
  • Caroline Ferreira Guerreiro Hospital Geral Roberto Santos – Salvador/Bahia
  • Jorge Luis Motta Anjos Hospital Geral Roberto Santos – Salvador/Bahia
  • Cássio Magalhães da Silva e Silva Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA



Respiration, Artificial, Critical Care, Activities of Daily Living, Mobility Limitation


Intensive care patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) usually present a decline in functional status, and the length of stay in invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) is the most important factor related to impaired physical performance. Objective: To investigate the correlation of the evolution of the functional state between the admission and the rise with the time of VMI made a list of the mobility. Method: This is an observational, cross-sectional study, performed at the ICUs of a state public hospital. Functional Status Score Intensive Care Unit (FSS-ICU) was applied by physiotherapists trained to evaluate functional status. For comparison the groups were divided in clinically and surgically and when the test was used not parametric of Mann-Whitney. The Spearman coefficient was used to analyze the correlation. Results: The sample consisted of 30 patients, 53% male, with median age 49.50 [37.0-67.7] years, median time to IMV 132.00 [48.0-192.0] hours, Charlson comorbidities index 4.0 [2.0-6.0], predominance of the abdominal surgeries (75 %) and median of the FSS between the admission and the high of 12, 0 [10,0-30,7]. There was a moderate to good negative correlation between the FSS of the admission and of the high with the time of VMI in hours (r =-0, 50 p = 0,005) (r =-0, 71 p <0,001). Conclusion: There is a negative correlation between the evolution of the functional state in the admission and high with the time of VMI in critical patients and the diagnostic profile also can interfere in this ending.


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How to Cite

Santos MR dos, Guerreiro CF, Anjos JLM, Silva CM da S e. Correlation of functional status evolution with invasive mechanical ventilation time in critically ill patients. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];26(4):181-5. Available from: