Physical activity as a protective factor for extreme low weight in elderly assisted by a health care operator




Health Services for the Aged, Nutritional Status, Motor Activity, Life Style


Objective: Investigate the influence of factors related to multidimensional aspects of aging in a group of elderly assisted by the private health sector. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted with 243 elders with a body mass index <23 kg/m² assisted by a health plan in the city of São Paulo, SP, Brazil, with them being allocated into two groups: low weight and extreme low weight. For data collection, a survey developed by the researchers themselves containing information related to multidimensional aspects of aging was employed. The obtained data were submitted to a descriptive analysis of the variables and a subsequent comparative analysis through Student’s t-distribution, Chi-squared or Fisher’s exact tests, when necessary. For variables with statistical significance, logistic regression was applied and the odds ratio, with a 95% confidence interval, was calculated. Results: It was observed that advanced age (p=0.044), mobility difficulty (p=0.011) and low levels of physical activity (p=0.021) significantly influence the elderly in extremely low weight nutritional status. Moreover, through the logistic regression model, it was found that, for this group, every hour of physical activity practiced by underweight elders, the risks of evolution to an extreme low weight status decrease by up to 14%. Conclusion: The regular and oriented practice of physical activity by the elderly with some degree of nutritional deficit is able to prevent and/or delay unwanted outcomes in susceptible groups.


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How to Cite

Silva DLG, D'Oliveira RR, Kim BMJ, Santos AF de L, Silva Junior EAB, Oliveira HSB de, et al. Physical activity as a protective factor for extreme low weight in elderly assisted by a health care operator. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2020 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];27(1):41-4. Available from: