Construct validity of the Functional Impairment Test-Hand and Neck/Shoulder and Arm (FIT-HANSA) for workers with upper limb complaints of a tertiary hospital




Cumulative Trauma Disorders, Muscle Fatigue, Upper Extremity, Validation Study


The Functional Impairment Test-Hand and Neck/Shoulder/Arm (FIT-HaNSA) is an instrument that assesses fatigue resistance and upper limb performance through thick motor functions commonly used in everyday life. Objective: To analyze the construct validity of the FIT-HaNSA in workers with symptoms in the upper limb, through the correlation between the fatigue resistance of the segment with the muscle strength scores of the shoulder, elbow and hand, with the ability to work (ICT) and with upper limb dysfunction (QUICK DASH-Br). Methods: Thirty-nine workers from a tertiary hospital with an average age of 42.9 years (SD13.29) were recruited. The Biodex System 4 Pro ™ isokinetic measurement instruments, JAMAR® handgrip dynamometer, QuickDASH-Br and ICT were applied and correlated with FIT-HaNSA. Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) was used to quantify the association between the instruments. Results: FIT-HaNSA showed a weak to moderate correlation between the muscular strength of the shoulder, elbow and hand (r= 0.18 - 0.58), but significant for the shoulder and hand. The association between FIT-HaNSA with QuickDASH-Br and ICT was weak (r= -0.38 and 0.21). Conclusion: Our study provided preliminary evidence regarding the expected relationships and validity of FIT-HaNSA as a measurement tool for the assessment of fatigue and discomfort in workers with complaints in the upper limb.


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How to Cite

Silva NC, Pinola LN, Ricci FPFM, Fifolato TM, Lopes ER do C, Suzuki KAK, et al. Construct validity of the Functional Impairment Test-Hand and Neck/Shoulder and Arm (FIT-HANSA) for workers with upper limb complaints of a tertiary hospital. Acta Fisiátr. [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];27(3):182-9. Available from: