O brix na determinação da riqueza em açúcares do mamão como auxiliar no melhoramento do mamoeiro (Carica papaya L.)


  • Octavio Valsechi E. S. A. Luiz de Queiroz; Secção de Tecnologia Agrícola
  • José Mitidieri E. S. A. Luiz de Queiroz; Secção de Genética




There is in the literature a noteworthy lack of sampling methods to be employed in the selection of papaya fruits for genetical improvement purposes. In the present experiment methods applied to melon and watermelon were extended to papaya with good results. The authors tried to correlate the solids content-as determined by a hand refractometer-with total sugars in the fruit. The correlation does exist being significant and positive. A regression equation was worked out; it permits to calculate the total sugar content provided the Brix value determined by the hand refractometer is known. The equation is as follows: a = 0.57 s where a = total amount of sugar as glucose, and s = total solids.


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How to Cite

Valsechi, O., & Mitidieri, J. (1954). O brix na determinação da riqueza em açúcares do mamão como auxiliar no melhoramento do mamoeiro (Carica papaya L.). Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 11, 85-92. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0071-12761954000100013