Concentration and accumulation of al and micronutrients by common bean (Phaselolus vulgaris L.) , in two soils subjected to compaction


  • O. Primavesi USP; ESALQ
  • F.A.F. de Mello USP; Departamento de Solos, Geologia e Fertilizantes, E.S.A.Luiz de Queiroz
  • T. Muraoka USP; Seção de Fertilidade do Solo



With the goal to observe the influence of the soil compaction on the concentration and accumulation of the Al and the micronutrients by 2 bean cultivars growing on soil samples of an Oxisol (LRT and an Alfisol (PVp), with and without fertilizer, a 3,8 liter pot experiment was carried out. It could be verified, at the end of the growing stage, a reduction of the con-contration and accumulation of the Al in the fertilized pots, and the increase in the not fertilized pots. In the roots occured a decrease on the accumulati on of Al in both fertilized and not fertilized soils. With increasing compaction, Cu presented a general tendency to increase in the shoots, and the other micronutrients (Zn, B, Fe, Mn) showed a specific behavior due to the soil type, the fertility level and the cultivar. At the end of the growing cycle, it could be verified a general tendency in increase on accumulation of Fe and B, ana decrease on Zn in the Oxisol, and decrease on the Mn, Zn and B accumulation in the Alfisol, considering the above ground part. In the roots all micronutrients decreased their accumulation.






nao definida

How to Cite

Primavesi, O., Mello, F. de, & Muraoka, T. (1985). Concentration and accumulation of al and micronutrients by common bean (Phaselolus vulgaris L.) , in two soils subjected to compaction . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 42(2), 303-325.