Genetic and phenotypic correlation in two brachytic maize populations and the breeding implications with kernel oil content


  • S. Bianco UNESP
  • G.A. Tosello USP; ESALQ; Departamento de Genética
  • C.L. Souza Jr USP; ESALQ; Departamento de Genética



Genetic and phenotypic correlations were estimated among the characteristics: plant height (AP), ear height (AE), ear weight (PE) and oil content (TO). The estimates were obtained for two brachytic maize populations (Piranão VD-2 e Piranão VF-1), based on the ear to row having an intercalated tester where at each two progenie rows had one row of the single hybrid Ag-305-B used as a tester. The additive genetic correlations found between plant height, ear height and ear weight, were all positives. When the oil content was correlated with ear weight, plant and ear height, negative correlation values were observed in both populations, exception done for oil content and ear weight in the Piranão VD-2 population, which value was positive and near to zero. The correlated genetic response found are suggesting that when selection is done for oil content, in both population will have some changing with the plant phenotype, mainly for plant and ear height.


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How to Cite

Bianco, S., Tosello, G., & Souza Jr, C. (1987). Genetic and phenotypic correlation in two brachytic maize populations and the breeding implications with kernel oil content . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 44(1), 801-810.