Extraction of various forms of phosphorus in soil of the São Paulo state, Brazil, using various chemical methods


  • Alfredo Lopez Perez Universidade del Tachira
  • André Martin Louis Neptune Universidade de São Paulo; ESALQ




Various extractions methods for soluble P, organic P and total P, were compared on five soils of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, namely: a. sandy quartz (Entisol), b. red yellow podzolic, Lara variation (Ultisol); c. red-ocre latosol (Oxisol); d. red yellow podzolic, Piracicaba variation (Ultisol); e. terra roxa estruturada (Alfisol). According to the data, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The best extractants for soluble P were H2SO4 0,05 N (IAC methods) and H2SO4 0,025 N + HC1 0,05 N (Mehlich method) . 2. For removing and measuring the organic P, the extractants were equivalents. 3. The chemical method of Sommers & Nelson and . that of Jackson were the best for the total P in the soil.






nao definida

How to Cite

Perez, A. L., & Neptune, A. M. L. (1987). Extraction of various forms of phosphorus in soil of the São Paulo state, Brazil, using various chemical methods . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 44(2), 1037-1077. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0071-12761987000200008