Mineral nutrition of ornamental XIV: Growth rate of the chrysantemum plant cv. Golden Polaris
From a comercial plantation of chrysantemum situated at Campinas, Estate of São Paulo, Brazil, plants with 6, 27, 55, 69, 83, 97, 111 and 125 days after planting were collected and divided into stems and leaves. The growth is constant until the fifty fifth day showing after this period a quick and continuous increase in the stems until the final cycle culture; in the leaves the qrowth was after the one hundred and eleventh day. After 125 days in the field, the quantity of estimated dry matter produced per plant, in the stems was 17 g (68%) and in the leaves was 8 g (32%); added together was equal to 25 g per plant.Downloads
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How to Cite
Lima, A. M. L. P., & Haag, H. P. (1987). Mineral nutrition of ornamental XIV: Growth rate of the chrysantemum plant cv. Golden Polaris . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 44(2), 1331-1340. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0071-12761987000200020