Induced toxicities of aluminum and manganese in sweet sorghum: IV. Relations between P, K and Al


  • Ana Cândida P. Aguirre Primavesi EMBRAPA
  • E. Malavolta USP; CENA
  • Odo Primavesi COPERSUCAR; CTC



Four sweet sorghum varieties (CMS x S 603,Br 500, Sart and Br 602) were grown in a modified Hoagland's solution in order to supply varying levels of Al, P and K. Dry matter production was measured. The material was analysed for P, K, Ca, Mg and Al. The following conclusions could be drawn: a) a stimulation on growth of some varieties was observed when a given combination among Al and other nutrient levels was provided; b) by increasing K level in the nutrient solution more tolerance to Al toxicity was observed, as long as P was present in high concentration in the substrate; c) a high level of K in the nutrient solution, such as thal given in Hoagland's solution, does not allow to differentiate cultivars with respect to tolerance to Al toxicity; d) there were differences among varieties with respect to tissue P,K, Ca, Mg and Al concentrations wich were associated with maximum and minimum growth.






nao definida

How to Cite

Primavesi, A. C. P. A., Malavolta, E., & Primavesi, O. (1987). Induced toxicities of aluminum and manganese in sweet sorghum: IV. Relations between P, K and Al . Anais Da Escola Superior De Agricultura Luiz De Queiroz, 44(2), 1341-1352.